A Collection of Episode Reviews Originally Posted on the MI6 Forums Between March 3 and May 4, 2010
Yeah, third season. Suddenly the show has this special effects budget. And isn't so murky that it's hard to pick up the colours. Also the uniforms. Anyways -- this is a really good Wesley episode with some good music and turns from Goldberg and McFadden. That's right Tux, I actually quite liked Beverly in this episode because she managed to be convincing as both a doctor and a mother. That was one of my issues in S1 was that they TOLD you Beverly was Wesley's mother but it never really seemed that way. Here I could believe it. McFadden was much better. Generally I just liked the development for Wesley, finally saying "hey! being a goody-two-shoes geek might NOT be the best thing, after all."
"The Ensigns of Command"
This was a really good episode for Data development. I liked the girl he befriends down on the planet -- although while I somewhat see what Goshovan was getting at, the way they make him express it lacks subtlety and makes him kind've an ass by the end. And you can tell they redubbed him. But I love Picard's interaction with the Sheliak. I wish we'd seen that race again -- I love their no ******** attitude.
The Survivors
Great episode, helped along well by a very good cinematographic sense, as well as good guest star performances. It's always so shocking when Trek does location shooting because it looks so much consistently better than stage planets. Also I liked Marina Sirtis as Troi here too, for once -- but largely the great thing here is how Picard FIGURES OUT the mystery before the third act, unlike in the first season where the entire crew were retards who figured out the plot only in the last five minutes of the episode. So a good showcase for Picard -- he really starts seeming much more "captainly" as of this third season.
Who Watches the Watchers?
Very cool episode, great to see Lelland Palmer. These sorts of stories are what TNG does best -- Picard especially is really well utilized. Troi, however, is not. Seriously, useless. My friend shouted out "so that's where that's from!" when Picard got the Mintaken tapestry.
The Bonding
So despite the changes made, Ron Moore's first script is quite noticeably strong. Like, extremely so. As in, he hits all the characters right out of the park. This episode gets every single character right -- hell, I even like Beverly, Wesley, and Troi in it! Moore said he identified with Wesley and I think that's maybe why he's the first writer to really do the kid justice. Also, I must say in argument to Tux that I really think Beverly gels better with the rest of the cast -- and I think she's best played from the maternal angle. McFadden does well, there. And we actually see Troi do some COUNSELING here! Good episode.
"Booby Trap"
I dunno, this one kinda fell flat for me. The solution to the trap was to obvious (basically Chinese finger trap), and the meat of the story (Geordi falling in love with a holodeck character) really wasn't addressed past all the technobabble. I mean, that's always been my number one question with the holodeck -- how many people would use it just to virtually bone all the time? What are the ethics of that? Handled a bit better in season one's "Minuet", which is saying something. Oh well, "Cockblocked" starring Geordi La Forge.
"The Enemy"
Yeesh, two Geordi episodes in a row! In all seriousness though, this was a fantastic episode that I think utilized Geordi even better than "Booby Trap". A great episode with three great plotlines demonstrating the value of overcoming distrust and racism and learning to... oh wait, right. Which brings us to the awesomeness that is Worf refusing to give blood to a Romulan. Who says TNG characters were perfect and always worked together? I was so convinced he was going to come around by the end, too. Very brave decision, very well done episode. My only complaint would be guest star John Snyder as Centurion Bochra -- he's really overplaying it. Also -- Wesley saves the day! Haven't seen that since Season One!
"The Price"
Pretty much the only neat thing about this one is how Voyager followed up with the two Ferengi who got lost in the Delta Quadrant. That was a good use of continuity -- instead of just pulling an Alpha Quad race out of their ass for ratings, Voyager actually used something legitimate established earlier. As for this actual episode -- yaaawn; although I liked the Riker/Ral scenes way more than the Troi ones. Guy's a real douche though.
"The Vengeance Factor"
This one was all right, although I continually felt like there was some big secret backstory with the Acamarians that they never really went into. And the ending is sort've unsettling with just how unresolved it is. I dunno, it was cool while I was watching it, but felt flat after it was over.
"The Defector"
A freaking sweet episode and definitely one of the best episodes of the series so far. Almost makes me wish we went to war with the Romulans. Great effects work, great writing, just plain great. Bonus points for no Wesley!
"The Hunted"
Another pretty good episode. I liked seeing the Enterprise crew being put through their paces by the supersoldier. Also liked that they didn't offer some nice easy answer at the end of the episode, like Crusher miraculously curing the guy's conditioning. Definitely liked the ending too, with Picard leaving the Angosians hanging.
"The High Ground"
For some reason, this is the first time this episode worked for me. I actually kinda like that the positions of terrorism are presented equally -- the terrorists don't come across as evil villains, but the police forces don't come across as totalitarian stormtroopers either. I think all the characters feel very real and believable, including Beverly, who I think comes off well in the show. Also, gotta love Picard just flat out decking the terrorist leader on the bridge.
Wesley Saves the Ship: 6.5
"Deja Q"
How can you not love this episode? It's got exploration of the human condition, imminent danger to countless millions, great comic relief, Guinan stabbing Q with a fork, also -- Q! Really fun, enjoyable episode, with great work from de Lancie and Goldberg.
"A Matter of Perspective"
Trek does Rashomon. Yawn.
"Yesterday's Enterprise"
Another superb episode, of course. I think my favourite thing about it is the three female characters - Garrett, Guinan, and Yar. You can really believe in Garrett as a Captain of the Enterprise, and a damned good one at that. Also, Guinan continues to be a very well used character on the show -- I think because of Goldberg's schedule it forced them to only use her when needed, which really has the effect of making Guinan special and cool. And finally Yar -- I think the greatest victory of this episode is giving the character of Yar her proper and honorable send-off. Really great stuff -- it makes you wonder about how the show would've been if she'd been in the show the entire time to this point.
"The Offspring"
Another great "android's rights" episode, and a fantastic step forward for the character of Data. Of course it recalls the excellent "Measure of a Man" from last episode, but it also does a fine job on its own. Really good episode, both fun, touching, and intelligent, and a nice directorial debut for Jonathan Frakes.
"Sins of the Father"
Pretty good episode, really the first big Klingon episode. However, it takes too long to get going, and once it does it finishes up too quick. And at the end of the day, I just find it hard to get interested in the whole "Klingon macho posturing" thing. When's the next Romulan episode?
Another variation on a favourite scheme - captured for an alien experiment to learn about a human condition. Still, its a well handled episode to be sure, and I especially liked the "pseudo-Picard" scenes, which were quite funny.
"Captain's Holiday"
Maltese Falcon meets Indiana Jones. Still, I liked Vash here -- I can see why they brought her back for further episodes.
"Tin Man"
A good episode with good characterizations that just loses its way with a really, really weak ending. We finally get to the big mysterious tin man after all this time and basically it vanishes suddenly and we have no idea what happened. Oh, well, off to Starbase Whatever! *pft*
"Hollow Pursuits"
Good episode. I like the idea of looking in on the OTHER members of the Ent-D crew, you know the 1,006 who AREN'T the regulars. So I like Barclay. I suppose he's also the most relatable crewmember for the average Trekkie (lolol, easy jab). Also, this show helped look at some of the dangers of using the holodeck as a fantasy outlet. Hell, it's always seemed to me like most people would be using the holodeck as a personal virtual sex machine.
*sidenote: Despite being a TNG character, Barclay had more appearances on frakking Voyager than on TNG.
"The Most Toys"
Very good episode that I think nailed the whole "Collector" mentality very well. (Two stabs at Trekkies in the space of three episodes!) Great Brent Spiner vehicle, and of course Data fired! That was the whole point of the episode! And O'Brien said the weapon discharged. O'Brien would not lie!
Sometimes I wish TNG had referenced TOS more, sometimes I'm glad they decided to stand on their own. Either way, this was a great episode. Mark Lenard FTW.
"Menage a Troi"
Not terrible, not nearly as bad as "Manhunt", but honestly it just feels like no one puts effort into these Lwaxana episodes. Its like they feel contractually obligated to have Roddenberry's wife every year, and are like "WELL, what crazy shenanigans can we come up with THIS time?"
I didn't like this one because the Ent-D crew wasn't really involved. Nothing ever impacted our characters or suggested jeopardy to them, they basically just observed things that happened to someone else. The impact of John on Geordi is very minor, and only really is shown in the first half of the episode, then forgotten about. And his relationship with Beverly never actually becomes anything beyond cute smiles. So the whole thing feels like a waste of time. Still, the performances were quite good, even if the glowing body sock effect at the end of the episode was super poor. The best parts of this episode where the truncated Geordi subplot with Worf.
The Best of Both Worlds
What can I say about this episode that hasn't already been said? Frakes gives us some of his best work as Riker. I love the way the episode head on addresses the issue of Riker constantly turning down command. Picard and Guinan have another great scene, as always. Pretty much everything about the show is top-notch, leading to that unforgettable, famous, fantastic cliff-hanger. Definitely one of TNG's best shows, if not exactly exemplary of the show as a whole.
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